Mobile IV Therapy for tiredness and lethargy. IV treatments to your own home, hotel, or office.
BioMed Mobile IV offers IV therapy near you, to help combat lethargy, fatigue, and tiredness. The mobile IV medics at BioMed Mobile IV are available 24/7 with dispatch for IV drips throughout Colorado.
Support your immune system, replenish lost nutrients and reinvigorate your body, with a blend of IV hydration fluids, essential vitamins, and more in the Myers’ Cocktail IV drip.
This Myers+ Cocktail infusion has a larger dose of vitamin C compared to the original Myers Cocktail IV drip. Help support your immune system even more with this IV!
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) is the latest breakthrough in IV infusion. It may help your body to jumpstart cellular repair, boost your energy, and rid your body of inner damage.
By providing your body with the nutrients it needs to function, IV therapy can help to strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of illness.
Replenish and hydrate your body to reduce your downtime due to cold, flu, or other illnesses.
This solution helps restore a healthy balance of fluid and electrolytes in your body while boosting energy levels.
BioMed Mobile IV delivers mobile IVs to the Colorado Front Range from Castle Rock to the Wyoming border. Chances are, we're located in a city near you!
Regular Hours
7 Days a Week
7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
After Hours
24/7 Based on Availability
After-hours service requires a $100 after-hours fee
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Contact Details
Email Address:
[email protected]
Phone Number:
Address: (Mobile Only)
357 McCaslin Blvd Louisville, Co 80027
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